Selecting Ceiling Fan Sizes

ceiling fan sizes

There are many variables to consider when selecting the right size of ceiling fan. Typically, the size of the room dictates the downrod length. A room with a nine-foot ceiling should select a fan with a downrod that is six to nine and a half inches long. However, if you have a higher ceiling, you may want to select a fan with a downrod that is 18 inches long or longer.

A ceiling fan’s blade span measures the circumference of an imaginary circle when the blades are spinning. The larger the fan’s blade span, the wider it will be. A large blade span is best suited for a living room or gathering space. Smaller blade spans are perfect for kid’s rooms. The CFM rating of each fan is important to note. This number represents how much air it can move per minute. Ceiling fans with high CFM ratings can cover a wide variety of spaces.

For large rooms, larger fans are best. Larger ceilings, such as a 12-foot family room, will need a large fan with a high CFM. Moreover, the size of the fan should be determined by the square footage of the room. Remember that larger fans also require more energy to run. Once you know the square footage of the room, you can then calculate the ceiling fan’s size. A large ceiling fan can be a nice addition to your room, so consider the number of blades and their width.