How to Get a Ceiling Fan Motor Back to Quiet

The motor is the core of any ceiling fan, but it can also be a source of noise. Whether the sound is humming, buzzing or whirring, a loud motor can be a major nuisance. The good news is that it is often an easy problem to fix, and there are several troubleshooting steps you can take to get your fan back to quiet.

The first step is to make sure the fan blades are correctly aligned and not touching one another. The next step is to check for loose screws. It is important to regularly tighten screws and other components, as this can help reduce noise. If the fan is one of the new hugger ceiling fans designed to fit low profile spaces, you may want to inspect the mount for stability. These fans typically use a single mounting bracket that attaches directly to the ceiling and will not be as stable as the traditional fans that hang from rods.

It is also a good idea to check that all wires are properly tucked in between the ceiling and the hanging bracket. This can prevent a clicking sound that sounds like a clock ticking and can be caused by wires rubbing against the motor or other components on top of the fan.