Getting the Right Ceiling Fan Size Chart For Your Ceiling Fan Blade

Are you looking for a ceiling fan size chart? I am assuming that this is your first time searching for this particular information and probably the last time you will search for this particular piece of information either online or offline. In order to save yourself some time, here are a few things that you need to know about ceiling fan size charts and why you should care about it. Continue reading if you would like to find out more.

ceiling fan size chart

The first thing that you need to know is what type of fan that you will purchase. There are three different types of fans that manufacturers use for different purposes, but the main three are; the blower, the downrod, and the insulating shield. In the past, there were only 3 sizes available; namely, 48″, 52″ and 62″ the most common of which was the sixty” fan. Today, manufactures have made many more sizes available including, but not limited to; the eighty” fan, the eighty-five” fan, and the one hundred and fifty” fan.

By knowing the correct measurements of the fan blades, you can get the exact right fan size for your home. You can determine whether or not your current fan is sized correctly by using a few simple tools that most people already own. These tools include an adjustable wrench, a spirit level, a tape measure, and a tape measure again, all of which are fairly common items that people have in their homes.