Fixing a Ceiling Fan That Makes Noise

A ceiling fan that makes noise can be very distracting and annoying. It can also be a sign of a more serious problem that should be looked at by a professional electrician. In this article, Home Depot associate merchant Alex Forte walks you through five reasons your fan might be making noise and practical solutions to fix it.

Clicking noises can occur when the blades rub together or strike something inside the motor. This is usually an easy fix, and you can simply tighten the screws that hold the blades to prevent them from shifting around when in use.

A humming noise may be caused by dirt or debris buildup on the fan blades, which can throw them out of balance. Using a slightly damp cloth or paper towel, wipe down the tops and bottoms of each blade, then dry them as quickly as possible to prevent lingering moisture from damaging wood composite or particle board materials used on some modern fan blades.

Another common cause of a clicking noise is a loose or improperly installed downrod. Inspect the downrod for loose ends or connections to the motor assembly and mounting bracket, and tighten them as needed.

A rattling sound can be caused by loose components, especially if the fan has a light kit attached. Check the screws that secure light bulbs or sconces to the fan and tighten them as needed. You can also try adding a drop of oil to the motor bearings to help keep them lubricated and quiet. Locate the oil hole near the down rod, then use a pipe cleaner or screwdriver to insert oil until it’s lubricated as indicated by your owner’s manual.