The Right Way to Use Your Ceiling Fan in Winter Can Save You 15% on Your Heating Bills

The way you use your ceiling fan in winter can save you money on your heating bills. Many West Volusia County homeowners don’t know that changing the direction of your ceiling fan’s rotation can help them reduce their energy costs by redistributing warm air throughout their home.

Most ceiling fans have a switch that allows you to change the direction in which it spins. Typically this switch is located on the motor housing and can be easily accessed without the need to get on a ladder. The best way to determine the proper winter fan mode is to stand directly under your fan and see which way you feel the most air movement. During the summer your fan should be spinning counter clockwise to create a downward draft to cool you off. During the winter your fan should be spinning clockwise to circulate warm air for more efficient heating.

In the winter your ceiling fan should be operating in a clockwise, low speed setting. This direction allows your fan to create a gentle updraft that helps redistribute warm air that tends to accumulate near the ceiling and prevents your furnace from working overtime. Using your ceiling fan in the right winter mode can save you up to 15% on your heating bills.

Most modern fans have a convenient remote control or wall controls that allow you to change the fan’s rotating direction with the touch of a button. This makes it easy to change the fan’s direction in the heat of the summer and the cold of the winter, saving you time and effort.