Selecting a Ceiling Fan For Bathroom

A ceiling fan for bathroom is a key component of your home ventilation system that not only preserves the health and comfort of your family by reducing mildew growth and airborne allergens, but also helps you comply with building codes in new construction. Fans vent moist, warm air outside without letting fresh, cool air in, so they can’t cause condensation or rot in attics, walls, and other areas of the home.

When you’re selecting a bathroom ceiling fan for your space, the first thing to consider is the room size because this determines the fan’s CFM (cubic feet per minute) rating. A good rule of thumb is to use 1 CFM for every square foot of room size, but you’ll also want to factor in your home’s construction (i.e., if your house has an attic, you’ll need more power to effectively vent the bathroom).

Next, select the mounting type and downrod length depending on the ceiling height of your bathroom. Flush mount fans sit directly on the ceiling and can accommodate rooms with sloped or angled ceilings. For bathrooms with higher ceilings, a downrod will allow the fan to hang further out from the wall. You can also opt for a bathroom ceiling fan with light, which adds both ventilation and illumination. These models are usually controlled via a pull chain or wall switch and some offer energy-efficient LED lights that provide long-lasting brightness.