Getting the Most Out of Your Ceiling Fan

ceiling fan rotation

Getting the Most out of Your Ceiling Fan

When you have ceiling fans in your home, it’s important to adjust them to spin in the right direction for each season. This simple action can help keep you comfortable and save you money on energy bills.

Spring, Summer and Fall: Counterclockwise Rotation

During the warm spring, summer and fall months, you want to have your ceiling fan spinning counterclockwise so that the blades pull cooler air down in a column. This can help make your room feel as much as 10 degrees cooler.

You can easily tell if your fan is turning in the correct direction by standing directly under it and feeling how the blades move. The blades should move like a clock’s hands, from the top to the right then down to the left.

Winter: Clockwise Rotation

Keeping your fan in a winter rotation setting can help lower your energy costs by pulling down the warm air trapped at the top of your home. In addition, this setting can also reduce the amount of moisture in the air that accumulates at your window sills and glass doors.

Control Odors:

During the winter, you should set your ceiling fan to rotate in a clockwise direction so that the fan’s blades pull the odors from food, pets and smoking up into the air, away from nose level. This helps keep your home more pleasant and eliminates odors that may be lingering.