Ceiling Fan Globe Replacement

If you have a ceiling fan with a light kit, changing out the dome can make a big difference to the look of your room. However, before you do anything it is important to turn off the circuit breaker that provides power to the ceiling fan or switch it off using the chain/pull switch.

Depending on your fan style there are many different ways you can change the glass light cover for your ceiling fan. Some have clips that snap into place, others are held in place with a decorative cap that covers the holding screw or nut on the bottom. The most common type of ceiling fans with lights use LED panels that have a base that fits smoothly onto the fan. These are great for saving energy and are readily available in supermarkets or hardware stores. However, these panels don’t allow for as many design variations as a dome-style lamp fitting.

Most have a nut on the bottom of the fan that holds it up and you need to remove the decorative cover to expose the nut. Then you unscrew the nut and support the globe with your hand while it comes off. It may take a bit of squeezing and a few slaps to get it unstuck.

Most have some type of spring mechanism that has U shaped springs you need to squeeze it release them from slots or there are 3 set screws that fit into an indentation within the body on top that you back out. Once you get these off the cover unscrews like a light bulb.