Ceiling Fan Cleaner Tips

ceiling fan cleaner

Ceiling Fan Cleaner Tips

Having a ceiling fan is an excellent way to help circulate the air in your home and it also provides some relief from the cool summer breezes. Unfortunately, they are also noisy and if they aren’t cleaned regularly they can actually cause some people to have ear infections or some other health problem. Using a ceiling fan cleaner to keep them clean is a good idea for anyone who wants to enjoy their favorite appliance but doesn’t want to hear the noise or the vibration. These devices come in many different styles and models, and depending on what you buy you will need to do a little research before you decide which one is best for you. Here are some of the main types of cleaners that you can use to clean your ceiling fan units.

Most ceiling fans have plastic louvers that allow them to be tilted up and down which is what allows the fan blades to spin. If you regularly dust these parts of the unit, using a good household vacuum cleaner that has a rotating brush attachment will not only make it easier to remove dust, but it will also help to remove any pollen or dirt that has found its way to the blades. Dry the louvers with an old-fashioned dry cloth then spray the fan with furniture polish to create a smooth surface where dust can’t easily stick.

Some homeowners prefer to use a microfiber cloth or microfiber mitt in order to clean the louvers. If you’re going to attempt to clean the blades yourself, it’s important to know that you shouldn’t ever spray the fan blades with anything at all – never use anything that contains oil (or any type of cleaner that contains oil) and never use water to clean them. Instead you should use the microfiber cloth and a little bit of water in order to wipe off the excess dirt or dust that has become stuck to the blade. To finish off the job, you should spray the fan blade with the appropriate cleaning product.